Forums - Fei-Long Strats/combos? Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Fei-Long Strats/combos? ( Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:13:2001 04:59 PM: Well can any big Alpha player help me out with good ol' Fei-Long? I just started using him, R.Mika, And Chun-li. So can anyone help me with him? I already got a nice strategy from JC for R.Mika Haven't really needed any strats for my Chun, but Fei-long interests me, so far the best thing I can do with him is cross-up into a trip xx into his dragon kick super and then catch them on the way down with another. So can anyone help me out with his strats/combos? Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:13:2001 05:13 PM: Eeek! *Bump* Posted by Buktooth88 on 04:13:2001 08:35 PM: which ism are you using? Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:14:2001 12:30 AM: Well, i rarley use anyone on X-ism, and I think V-ism Fei-long is a total fucking waste! So I usually just go with A-ism. I like his supers and I need his Dragon kick super to dish out my juggles.So can anyone give me strats and combos? I really want strats, I'm not worried about combos those I can make out of thin air. I want to make my friends Guile bow to me! Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:14:2001 01:14 AM: Anyone? Posted by EVIL5150 on 04:14:2001 01:35 AM: Man I wish I could help. I don't even have A3 on PS. I do think Fei is a complete bad ass though. I wouldn't give up on Vism either, I was playing around with him at a friends house and pulled some fairly devestaing Fei V-combos. Posted by AKUMA2000 on 04:14:2001 04:05 AM: Click here and go to Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:14:2001 01:09 PM: The people who right the FAQs at GameFAQs, don't know about tourny play, I've known about GameFAQs for god knows how long.BUt I don't trust some of there sources. Posted by AKUMA2000 on 04:14:2001 03:06 PM: Something is better than nothing... Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:14:2001 03:22 PM: V-Ism fei rocks. I dont remember what it was, but I was playing around in the arcade and I did some bad ass V-Combo with him. I know it involved the punch special, and the flaming kick one too. Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:14:2001 03:33 PM: yeah it was probably the C.FK xx Rushing punches xx Rising kick, FP xx rushing punches xx rising kick, FP xx Dragon flame kick, but V-ism Fei-long is'nt worth the sacrifice of his other supers. You can do a lot more juggles with his normal supers than his V-ism. Posted by Nos99 on 04:14:2001 09:08 PM: Learn his wrekka kens.. They are CRAZY weapons against some characters. When poking, come in and out of their range. If they whiff something, wrekka ken their ass. You can react to whiff forward even with a set of wrekka kens.. Even if they're blocked you can't be hit afterwards if you do it right (except against certain characters). Usually from maximun range fierce-fierce-jab is good enough. From closer strong-strong-strong works.. Go into training mode and find out for yourself. He's got a fast sweep, d.strong will stuff a lot (try connect with the hand part) and if you counterhit you can link on a set of wrekka's. D.fierce has retarded priority.. will stuff most anything if you can get it to come out. If it counterhits, walk forward for the juggle.. If they flip again, anti-air d.fierce (unless their character can counter/they know how). D.fierce will also work as anti-air.. even against cross-ups. (not all attacks though, shorts and stuff can hit it sometimes). *Real* basic strat is to just walk up and d.fierce like crazy and dragon kick if they jump.. you can usually recover fast enough to whip out a DP if they jump. The d.fierce can be countered though on the ground from the proper ranges. From just outside and inside.. You want to connect with his hands. When you're at this range you're at good wrekka ken range so that's good too.. Upclose use d.jabs.. If they connect, cancel into super or wrekka kens.. Example : cross-up forward, d.jabx2. If it connects go into super or wrekka kens. If it's blocked, push out with d.strong, d.fierce, etc.. or pushout then do a blocked set of wrekka's to push them back, or try to goad them into whiffing something for the wrekka's, or overhead. etc. Oh yeah, overhead is good.. X-ism over can even move forwards and you recover really fast. If you hit with it, people usually try to hit you right afterward, so you can stuff it with super/DP/VC/etc. If you can read whether your opponent is going to block or not it's great. If you knock them down try doing a meaty d.fierce, if it connects link on 3 wrekka's or super, if it's blocked you can wrekka ken (strong-strong-strong usually) and push yourself out, or do nothing.. d.strongx2 leaves you at good fierce-fierce(strong)-jab wrekka range. just practice the wrekka's.. Even if you can't use them offensively (certain characters can hit you everytime no matter what) they are a great counter tool.. so damn fast and covers a lot of space. After blanka ball for example. hope that helps.. Posted by Buktooth88 on 04:15:2001 09:02 AM: The problem with A-ism is he loses his triple kick special... oh well. Fei was toned down HUGELY since the ol ST days. He no longer has his "I can kill anybody in 10 seconds" ability since his damage has been thrown out the window. Rekka's aren't really as effective as they could be since chip damage is much smaller in A3. His flame kick is MUCH worse. It has about three times more lag (before a blocked short flame kick would still leave you pretty safe) ,doesn't pass through projectiles, and doesn't have the same priority. That said... A-Fei's biggest benefit IMO is he can do super combos much easier than anybody else in the game. c.short c.strong c.forward All of these cannot be canceled into special moves, but CAN be canceled into supers. Why? Who knows... some weird Capcom quirk. Since you can cancel these into anything BUT a super, you should have absolutely no problem, EVER, comboing supers off of these. Just go crazy with the qcf/qcb motions! I know you didn't ask for combos, but this is important. Crossup j.forward, c.jab x2, c.short, super (preferably the kick one, since it does more damage when mashed). This is real useful, and allows Fei to be played in a way similar to Sakura. Once you land the crossup and go into the jabs and short, you have plenty of time to see whether your combo is hitting or not. If it is, do an easy super. If not, you've still got plenty of options: c.fierce/ rdp+k to snuff any imcoming attacks you anticipate. c.fierce is recommended since it does more block damage and doesn't leave you open like the flame kick, but you'll need the kick in the instances where your c.fierce gets outprioritized by your opponent. Once you train your opponent into sitting there and blocking after your jabs you have more options: -f+forward. GOOD overhead, since it goes over low moves. -f+roundhouse. Works better on big opponents, but still useful on smaller ones. Great recovery time allows you to keep attacking afterwards, and hits twice for good block damage. Think of it as a slower, stronger hop kick. -throw. Risky, but good to throw in every so often. -Go for another crossup and repeat the process. As stated earlier, Fei's c.fierce is a GREAT poking tool. The priority on this move is just wrong. Try to stay at the max range of your rekka ken. This effectively increases the priority and reduces the chance of getting hit afterwards. You can punish mistakes (like a whiffed dp) from a pretty good distance using c.strong into a super. C.strong also has good priority with its range, making it a good poking tool. Fierce rekka kens can move you across great distances quickly. IIRC, you can even punish a blocked Blanka ball with fierce rekka kens (the second and third ones should hit). Go for throws often. Fei's quick walking speed makes this a very effective tactic. While not nearly as effective as in ST, meaty s.fierces work great in okizeme games. There's more, but I'm getting tired... hope this helps so far. Posted by BIG-O on 04:15:2001 03:17 PM: i don't know what the heck u guys are talking about when u say d.fierce and other things like that. Is there something anywere were i can find out what all those letters in front of certain buttons or moves mean? fei-long is my favorite and i have been playing street fighter for a long time now ( i think i started playing around 1991, and yes i know fei-long was not in the game back then). i really wanna use the statagies so i can finally beat my older bro who also uses fei-long so think u can help me out? Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:15:2001 04:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 The problem with A-ism is he loses his triple kick special... oh well. Fei was toned down HUGELY since the ol ST days. He no longer has his "I can kill anybody in 10 seconds" ability since his damage has been thrown out the window. Rekka's aren't really as effective as they could be since chip damage is much smaller in A3. His flame kick is MUCH worse. It has about three times more lag (before a blocked short flame kick would still leave you pretty safe) ,doesn't pass through projectiles, and doesn't have the same priority. That said... A-Fei's biggest benefit IMO is he can do super combos much easier than anybody else in the game. c.short c.strong c.forward All of these cannot be canceled into special moves, but CAN be canceled into supers. Why? Who knows... some weird Capcom quirk. Since you can cancel these into anything BUT a super, you should have absolutely no problem, EVER, comboing supers off of these. Just go crazy with the qcf/qcb motions! I know you didn't ask for combos, but this is important. Crossup j.forward, c.jab x2, c.short, super (preferably the kick one, since it does more damage when mashed). This is real useful, and allows Fei to be played in a way similar to Sakura. Once you land the crossup and go into the jabs and short, you have plenty of time to see whether your combo is hitting or not. If it is, do an easy super. If not, you've still got plenty of options: c.fierce/ rdp+k to snuff any imcoming attacks you anticipate. c.fierce is recommended since it does more block damage and doesn't leave you open like the flame kick, but you'll need the kick in the instances where your c.fierce gets outprioritized by your opponent. Once you train your opponent into sitting there and blocking after your jabs you have more options: -f+forward. GOOD overhead, since it goes over low moves. -f+roundhouse. Works better on big opponents, but still useful on smaller ones. Great recovery time allows you to keep attacking afterwards, and hits twice for good block damage. Think of it as a slower, stronger hop kick. -throw. Risky, but good to throw in every so often. -Go for another crossup and repeat the process. As stated earlier, Fei's c.fierce is a GREAT poking tool. The priority on this move is just wrong. Try to stay at the max range of your rekka ken. This effectively increases the priority and reduces the chance of getting hit afterwards. You can punish mistakes (like a whiffed dp) from a pretty good distance using c.strong into a super. C.strong also has good priority with its range, making it a good poking tool. Fierce rekka kens can move you across great distances quickly. IIRC, you can even punish a blocked Blanka ball with fierce rekka kens (the second and third ones should hit). Go for throws often. Fei's quick walking speed makes this a very effective tactic. While not nearly as effective as in ST, meaty s.fierces work great in okizeme games. There's more, but I'm getting tired... hope this helps so far. Yeah I remember the ol' SSF2T, Fei-long owned in that game! his touch of death combo was just funny, I remember when you pulled that on someone, they just looked and cried!^_^ And I use his Rekka Kens to add to my pokes and sometimes I put pressure on people and then use one to get close enough and then throw them.Thanks for the good stuff guys, I'm suprised JC has'nt shown up yet. Posted by Nos99 on 04:15:2001 06:59 PM: TO BIG-O: The c. and d. and stuff in front of moves means crouching/ducking/standing/jumping etc.. It's pretty much common sense. (no offense. ) oh yeah, punches are jab->strong->fierce and kicks are short->forward->roundhouse Posted by Nos99 on 04:15:2001 07:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 The problem with A-ism is he loses his triple kick special... oh well. Agreed.. Although I have my doubts on the usefullness of this move. If anyone can fill me in on some tactics involving this move it'd be great. Sometimes it's a decent suprise tactics against certain characters but It sucks when you get hit by a fat ass combo afterwards.. I thought the delay was pretty good, but I have eaten many a combo afterward and it's changed my mind. I mostly use it in VCs and in anti-air tactics.. (anti-air attacks cancelled into triple kick->go for follow up games). I used to use it for those Holy-crap-we're-right-next-to-each-other situations (kinda like after the hopkick). but after eating simple jabs before I recovered I have stopped trying.. Anyone have any insight on this? quote: Rekka's aren't really as effective as they could be since chip damage is much smaller in A3. I have to disagree on this. I think the wrekka's are amazing. Although I don't know much about ST Fei in comparison, I think the A3 Fei has EXCELLENT wrekka's. How could they be better? It would be unfair.. If they did huge chip damage V-Fei would be unstoppable with his barrage of wrekka kens GC VC doing 50%. I'd even go as far to say that i think they're one of the best attacks in the game. quote: His flame kick is MUCH worse. It has about three times more lag (before a blocked short flame kick would still leave you pretty safe) ,doesn't pass through projectiles, and doesn't have the same priority. That said... Again, I don't know much in comparison to ST Fei, but A3 Fei can go through projectiles with his flame kick.. If you want to do it midscreen it's best to use the RH version (but pretty stupid at the same time ) It's best for reversal sitautions like after a blocked d.forward->FB (flame kick through the FB). The first part where he sticks his foot out is pretty long too.. giving decent horizontal range to hit the outstretched hands of the FBer. Be careful not to get baited into it so that your flame kick will miss.. I hate that. Anyhow I think it's pretty good. I've stuffed many many things that looked like it shouldn't, but it did. I've instant-countered VC/supers with the flame kick, so it's good enough for me! quote: A-Fei's biggest benefit IMO is he can do super combos much easier than anybody else in the game. c.short c.strong c.forward All of these cannot be canceled into special moves, but CAN be canceled into supers. Why? Who knows... some weird Capcom quirk. Since you can cancel these into anything BUT a super, you should have absolutely no problem, EVER, comboing supers off of these. Just go crazy with the qcf/qcb motions! Personally, I never really take advantage of this.. I don't know why, I just don't. Anyhow, I believe his normals are this way because it was also like this in ST.. and since he was ported over, they kept the same properties.. i think? Anyhow, far s.fiere has the same properties too i believe. Can the s.fierce be cancelled at any time? That'd be a pretty nasty meaty attack if it could. quote: I know you didn't ask for combos, but this is important. Crossup j.forward, c.jab x2, c.short, super (preferably the kick one, since it does more damage when mashed). Can't the kick super also be countermashed? Anyhow, Try leaving out the short if you don't have lvl.3 and you're doing the punch super.. i don't know how many times I've seen the lv1 and 2 whiff because of that. quote: While not nearly as effective as in ST, meaty s.fierces work great in okizeme games. Close or far fierce? Any reason why you wouldn't use the d.fierce which sets up free wrekkas/super if it hits? Or can you do the same with the s.fierce? Thanks. Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:15:2001 08:33 PM: I usually poke them into insanity! I just cross up with J.FK, then I go C.SK,C.MK,C.FP and then they there most likely going to try amd just pull out anything to get me away from them but I pull out his Dragon Kick super and juggle them! I love Fei-Long, once you start on them with the pokes and the pressure there screwed. Always keep pressure on once you get them going, if they go on the defensive that's when there most vulnarable to doing the pokes and use rekka kens to get in close for a throw, and when ever you pull a meaty combo on them always get close and pull a RK Flame Kick. they are always most likely to jump away and try and get away from you.^_^ Posted by BIG-O on 04:16:2001 12:31 AM: doesn't crouching and ducking mean the same thing? thats what confused me. Posted by jchensor on 04:16:2001 05:17 PM: In Alpha 3, I use X-Fei Long. Maybe it's just me, but X-Fei Long has EVERY bit of the ability to kill someone in 10 seconds. I normally avoid X-ism like a plague because of no air-blocking, but X-Fei Long is just SICK. The mind games you can play mixing up: a) Rekka Kens b) Overhead c) Throws d) Dragon Kicks staggering. I have often beat my friends with X-Fei Long in UNDER 10 seconds (an no, my friend ARE good players). Personally, I think X-Fei Long is easily the best new character added to home versions. The key, for me, lies in the Overhead. That thing has no recovery time. Once the opponent gets hit by it (or blocks it), the world is your Oyster. You can Dragon Kick ANYTHING they do in response (though a Level 3 Super from them would probably win). But if you beat any of their counter pokes, that'll put them in a much less eager to poke position. So then, once you've established that, you can do ANOTHER Overhead after they block the first one. I've done three overheads in a row to people before. You can also just go for a Kick Throw. If you're in the corner, and the enemy Flips, jump up and Air Throw them. A sequence of Overhead, Throw, Air Throw does SO MUCH damage with X-Fei Long... The other nice area of fun comes from Rekka Kens... if you are playing in person, here are some fun tricks: Do two hits of the Rekka Ken and then do Fireball + Kick with the last one. Basically, this will cause you to do nothing. However, in person, it sounds like you DID do something, so the enemy usually expects a third Rekka Ken, but it doesn't come out. So immediately do a Fireball + Punch and start it all over again. Keep mixing between 1 Rekka Ken and Two Rekka Kens and even completing a third one with Fireball + Jab. But do the motions wildly and loudly, and never stop doing the Fireball motions. Just use Kick whenever you want the Rekka Ken to stop coming out. You can do this for, maybe, a few seconds. It's confusing for a bit, but then quickly switch into another attack pattern. But every once in a while, it can be rather effective in really confusing the enemy. Lastly, a lot of the times, if the enemy blocks two Rekka Kens, and you stop, they'll try to Coutner attack you, which can work... They can hit you out of your delay (that's why you do Fireball + Kick in the above paragraph... hearing you / seeing you do another Fireball motion can put a mental freeze intheir minds... This strategy, however, doesn't work if you play on head-to-head machines). That's why you can delay your third Rekka Ken slightly. Do two Rekka Kens, delay the third one, and then throw it out. If you learn to time this right, you can nail counter attempts before they can hit you. The slight delay makes them think you're done with the two Rekka Kens, thus lettingthem try to counter attack, but then your third one will come out of nowhere and out prioritize their counter. All of these tricks, hwoever, require VERY constant attack. Any pause or delay can mean trouble. You have to keep them gussing and keep them confused. Don't forget to use the Tiger Knee + Kick move to get in close if you need to. X-Fei Long can be VERY deadly. VERY VERY deadly, IMO. But it takes work. But once you get it down, oh man, is it fun to use. ^_^ - James Posted by Transparent Mind on 04:16:2001 08:19 PM: I was wondering when you were going to get here.^_^ Posted by sixftdeep on 04:17:2001 05:11 AM: James, I've seen your fantastic combo exhibition with Fei-Long, I want to learn some of those combo's, do you have them in written form? If so could you post them for us? Posted by BIG-O on 04:17:2001 02:12 PM: hey sixftdeep. ur the guy (i am assuming ur a guy) that helped me out with uh...Guy right? Anyway as for the Fei-long combos (now there is a guy i am good with) James pretty much already showed u what they are. Fei-long doesn't have many moves so all (or most of his) are pretty easy to learn, but to do them in a fight u had better master them. Okay here is what i picked up from watching the vid on Jchensor's combo expedition (in no particular order): 1. for the combo were he triped the opponent and did a crouching Fierce punch into a reka ken u had to time the fierce punch as they got up so they could "jump into it". I tried to time it so he hits them whith his arm pits and then go right into his reka ken. the timing is rickey at first (as is the timing for most of the other combos) but this is one of the easiest to do since its so short and all. 2. Another combo i saw was a to use his punch grab in the corner then jab punch into a rising dragon kick. Boy the timing on this move is gonna drive u crazy (it did to me an anyway)! I found two ways to time this one. The first and easiest for me was after the the grab and his final kick that sent him flying press jab right as his leg touches the ground again from him retracting the kick. Once u get that part down doing the rising dragon kick off the jab should be no prob. u just have to be quick. The second way (it may help u more than it helped me) was to watch ur opponents body as it falls. The body is goin to come down a bit slow but then its gonna take a sharp liitle dive. thats when u throw in the jab etc. For bigger characters, like zangief, the timing is going to be weird because they'r bodys are so bulky. 3. This is another tricky combo to get. Before u start though i suggest that u practice doing a MP LP chain (i don't know what else to call it) into a reka ken. U probably already know how to cross people up but if ur new with Fei-Long u should try to master that. Get close and press MP then wait (u really have no other choice) and do a light punch in practice untill u get that little "chain" down. Now (it is actually pointles to continue explaining this because u should get it by now) cross ur opponent up with a MK then MP, LP into reka ken. this combo was a bitch to get but i guess thats why it was in the combo expedition.^_^ Needles to say this combo should be done around mid screen or anywere were u have room to jump over ur oponents head. 4. this is actually the easisit of combos because its pretty basic. Jump FK, satnding FP into his rising kick super, then wait a few seconds and go into a reka ken and juggle the opponents body for two more hits. I think the most possible hits to get of the Rekas is 2 but although i don't believe there is, there might be a way to sneak in one more reka. This move is done in mid screen. 5. I saved the best for last on this one. The timing for this move is sort of like combo# 2 i wrote above. Jump in FP then land and FP into his reka ken super, as the opponent is falling the off last hit of the super do a Jab then do 3 slow jab reka ken timing each hit as the opponent falls. This is truly a nasty combo. The timing for the Jab, as in most of these combos, is crucial to linking everything together. These combos are in NO way mine so don't yell at me. I am just trying to help a fellow gamer out. oh yeah for visual reference just kepp watching the video ( not that that wil help ur timing). Posted by Nos99 on 04:17:2001 05:14 PM: Just adding something on that last combo.. Instead of a jab you can fit in a strong instead.. Timing is tight, but it can work.. If you're in training I like doing strong into kick super. Posted by sixftdeep on 04:17:2001 05:54 PM: Big-O, you da man! thanks. Posted by BIG-O on 04:18:2001 01:02 AM: no prob sixftdeep. its the least i can for u since u helped me out with Guy. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:01 AM. 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